Songs of My Soul


My first poetry collection.  I decided to hit the keyboards to try to figure things out. My skull couldn’t contain all of the words in it,  they tumbled out.  I fell in love. Songs of My Soul came into being.


2012 was the year my mother and grandmother died, my son was diagnosed with autism and ADHD and I fell in love. My skull couldn’t contain the emotions, so they tumbled into poetic form. Everyone who reads it takes something different and personal from it. ‘Songs of My Souls’ conveys a mix of classical and contemporary poetry, with more than sixty poems.   made sense to ‘cluster’ them under three headings: Discovery, Holy Fire and Resurrection. Discovery is filled with introspective poems that ask the big questions about life and our role in it. Holy Fire explores those periods of great heat and intensity in life, when it’s all passion, sexual longing, betrayal, anxiety. The times when life holds you in a strangle-hold grip and carries you along kicking and screaming, which is both life-affirming and terrifying. Resurrection, the final section, contains poems about our strange and miraculous ability as human beings to overcome all kinds of sh*t, emerging triumphantly, if a little bruised, with the smile of survival on our lips.

Resurrection, the final section of this densely packed collection, which contains more than sixty poems, is infused with the honesty, hope and tenderness I still see in the world. A deliberate echo of the Christ story, these poems examine our emotions around grief, loss and acceptance of life’s constant renewal.

 “If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”- Merchant of Venice, (Act III, scene I).”

My wish is that the qualities of universality make reading Songs of My Soul enjoyable for everyone. I invite you to contemplate the key elements of your life in poetry form!