Have you ever been in a job that’s wrong for you, but you tell yourself it’s right? When we don’t listen to our instincts, the universe finds a way of EJECTING us, sometimes brutally, from a situation, so we can get back on track, back in alignment with our true purpose in life.

Don’t take that rejection personally, or cry too much after that kick in the teeth… it’s just a prod from your guides, trying to tell you…‘don’t waste your time doing that…. you need to do this!’

Accept the changing situation with grace, write down what you’ve learned and move on quickly. It sounds like a cliche, but if you play to your strengths and listen to the strong pull of your instinct, your next gig, opportunity, job etc., will be more in line with where you need to be and what you need to learn to fulfil your purpose in life!

‘Right now you have the opportunity to transform your life!’

© Suzy Rowland-Rigg